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 Available Services_ 

Recently been detained by Immigration or will be soon


If you have recently been detained or believe there may be an immigration hold or other reason you will soon be detained by ICE you should be aware of your rights and your options. If you are unsure of where a family member is being held by immigration then we can help you locate the individual in custody and get information regarding the case. 

Stopped at or near the border


If your family member was caught at or near the border attempting to enter the U.S. it is important that they know their rights and that they get a credible fear interview in insure they are not expedititiously removed from the U.S. without seeing a judge. This can happen fast and you should contact an experienced immigration lawyer as soon as possible. 

Detained by immigration because of a criminal issue


Find out if you were properly transfered from criminal custody to immigration custody. This can be vital to whether or not you are eligible for bond. We can help you find out if you are subject to mandatory detention or if you may be eligible for release on bond. If you believe you are wrongfully being held by immigraiton you may challenge your detention. Based on the facts of your case we can let you know if there is a chance that you will be released on bond and what relief you may be eligible for.

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